I was very busy playing Destiny so didn’t read much this year until Terry Pratchett’s death in March kickstarted me on a Discworld city watch re-read. Commuting via the train rather than driving also meant I read more after August. Too many re-reads though.

  1. We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver – I’d heard bits of this on Radio 4’s Book of the Week years ago and finally got round to reading it. Wish I hadn’t taken so long.
  2. Honourable Friends: Parliament and the Fight for Change by Caroline Lucas – an interesting look into some of the inner workings of Westminster
  3. Guards guards! by Terry Pratchett (reread)
  4. Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett’s (reread)
  5. Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett (reread)
  6. Jingo by Terry Pratchett (reread)
  7. The Fifth elephant by Terry Pratchett (reread)
  8. Night Watch by Terry Pratchett (reread) All of the city watch series are still brilliant, I still need to read the rest of discworld.
  9. A Dance with Dragons by GRRM (reread)
  10. Anathem by Neal Stephenson (reread)
  11. The End of the world running club by Adrian J Walker I really enjoyed this, it was nice to read a post-apocalyptic book about Fred Bloggs set in the UK.
  12. Reamde by Neal Stephenson, it doesn’t quite measure up to his other books in my eyes, possibly not as geeky and part of the subject matter being MMORPGs was a bit of a turn off. I did enjoy it though, it’s an exciting thriller with a fast paced climax.
  13. Baroque cycle: Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson – (reread)
  14. Baroque cycle: The Confusion by Neal Stephenson – (reread)
  15. Baroque cycle: The System of the World by Neal Stephenson (reread)
  16. Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (reread)
  17. Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel – A slightly different take on a post-apocalyptic world. Very enjoyable.
  18. How to be an MP by Paul Flynn MP – Interesting and mildly amusing in places
  19. Stardust by Neil Gaiman
  20. House of cards by Michael Dobbs
  21. Play the King by Michael Dobbs – 2nd of the house of cards series, can’t believe I didn’t read the third yet. Not as good as first.
  22. Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card – reread
  23. Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card – reread
  24. Shadow of the Giants by Orson Scott Card – reread
  25. Shadows in Flight by Orson Scott Card – reread
  26. Adrift: 76 days at sea by Steven Callahan (reread)
  27. Lost in the jungle by Yossi Ginsberg (reread)
  28. Walking the Amazon by Ed Stafford (reread)
  29. Naked and marooned by Ed Stafford, interesting, though much less so than Walking the Amazon. Included lots of stuff that was cut from the TV show.
  30. The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwall, read after watching the TV series. Fantastic read, looking forward to reading the whole series except that it’s still being written.
  31. Final empire by Brandon Sanderson (reread)
  32. Well of ascension by Brandon Sanderson (reread)
  33. Hero of the ages by Brandon Sanderson (reread)
  34. Alloy of law by Brandon Sanderson (reread) – enjoyed it much more this time round
  35. Shadows of self by Brandon Sanderson – it’s good. I still prefer the mistborn series though.
  36. Way of kings by Brandon Sanderson (reread)

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